Resistor is one component in electronics that are not smoothly positive pole (+) and negative (-), but resistance has units (size) different. Units or the size of the resistor depends on the colors yng around the resistor. Units or resistor in size epitomized by Ohm reading.
Resistor color Description:
1. Black = 0 (black in the end will not be considered)
2. Brown = 1
3. Red = 2
4. Orange = 3
5. Yellow = 4
6. Green = 5
7. Blue = 6
8. Purple = 7
9. Gray = 8
10. White = 9
11. Silver = 0 ,......... size
12. Gold = the final color (will not be considered)
Example 1: Brown-Black-Gold-Gold
Brown = 1 Black = 0 (black color in the end will not be considered)
Gold = 2 will not be considered for the final color
So: the remainder has a size of 1 O (ohm)
Example 2: Brown-Black-Orange-Gold
Brown = 1 Black = 0 Orange = 3 (at 0 for 3 times)
Gold = not counted
So: the remainder has a size of 10.000 O (ohms)
if more than 1000? (ohm) then we round it off to the pound so to 10.000 ohms? in the 1000 then the result is 10 K? (kilo ohms)
Example 3: Brown-Black-Yellow-Gold
Brown = 1 Black = 0 Yellow = Gold = 4 will not be considered
So: the remainder has a size of 100.000 O or 100 KO
Note: Colors the last second before the gold color made 0. Let Yellow = 4 then becomes 0000 (0 four times), except black. Because the black color in the end will not be considered.
Resistor has a measure of the strength, so many forms such as resistors metalfilm, etc. microns. The size of resistors kekutan watts (w).
Example: Resistor 1 watt, 2 watt, 5 watts and so on.
As in the usual micron resistors used in the OCL amplifier circuit, to measure 5-watt 0.5 O
Although different shapes and sizes how to measure it will but remains the same.
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